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[PRNewswire] Documentary Data Science Pioneers Hits the Big Screen

송고시간2019-09-17 23:09

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-- 20 Data Scientists from Leading Global Companies Discuss Conquering the AI Frontier in the Hour-Long Film by Dataiku

(NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Today Dataiku [https://www.dataiku.com/ ], one of the world's leading Enterprise AI and machine learning platforms, unveiled an hour-long documentary on the rapidly evolving and increasingly prominent role of data scientists, the people building the AI revolution. Data Science Pioneers: Conquering the Next Frontier features 20 leading U.S. and European data scientists at global companies, including Booking.com, Daimler, Nokia Bell Labs, TomTom, Gousto, and Cisco.

The film explores the rise of the lauded data scientist as one of the sexiest jobs of the century and how this hype has - for better and worse - shaped the expectations of AI-ambitious organisations worldwide. In Data Science Pioneers, real data scientists contextualise the role and why they love it while exploring the concerns and challenges to come.

"To have a film like this, featuring data scientists and for data scientists, but also for anyone willing to learn and be a part of the next chapter for data and AI - it's really special," said Luca Maria Aiello, Senior Research Scientist at Nokia Bell Labs. "When watching Data Science Pioneers, I couldn't help but think about how it will help people around the world better connect to build more ethical, more sustainable, and more human AI solutions."

Dataiku embarked on the journey to make Data Science Pioneers a reality after seeing over and over again with their more than 250 customers the misunderstandings that often exist between data scientists - the people in the data trenches day after day - and executives or other parts of the business with a vision for what data science (and ultimately AI) should be and should look like.

"We created this film to inspire and delight not only data scientists, who hopefully will see their own triumphs and struggles reflected in the documentary, but also those who don't know or understand the world of the data scientist," said Florian Douetteau, Dataiku, CEO. "A data scientist isn't just one type of person with one type of educational background working on narrow problems on an ivory tower. And at Dataiku, we believe that having a global transparency and understanding into who data scientists really are, what they do, and what role they have to play in the future will help steer a more positive and productive path for the AI revolution."

Dataiku will be hosting several premiere events globally, bringing the film to major cities across the world including New York, London, Amsterdam, Sydney, and Paris. Exclusive screenings will also be held at corporate offices for companies as a whole or data science teams.

To view the trailer, get the full press kit, apply to host a screening, attend a premiere, or for further information about the film, please visit https://www.datascience.movie/

About Dataiku

Dataiku is the centralized data platform that democratizes the use of data science, machine learning, and AI in the enterprise. With Dataiku, businesses are uniquely empowered to move along their data journey from data preparation to analytics at scale to Enterprise AI. By providing a common ground for data experts and explorers, a repository of best practices, shortcuts to machine learning and AI deployment/management, and a centralized, controlled environment, Dataiku is the catalyst for data-powered companies.

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/996626/Dataiku_Data_Science_Pioneers.jpg

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/831360/Dataiku_Inc_Logo.jpg

Source: Dataiku

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