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[AsiaNet] The First Group of National Industrial Design Institutes Officially
Announced at the 2021 World Industrial Design Conference

Announcement of the first group of national industrial design institutes
Announcement of the first group of national industrial design institutes

AsiaNet 92614

(YANTAI, China, Oct. 27, 2021 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) On October 22, the first group of national industrial design institutes were announced at the 2021 World Industrial Design Conference held at the Yantai International Expo Center in Yantai City, Shandong Province, according to the Organization Committee of the World Industrial Design Conference.

In accordance with the requirement in the 13th Five-Year Plan to "establish national industrial design institutes", the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued its Guidelines for the Establishment of National Industrial Design Institutes. These guidelines have been formulated with a view to building national and provincial industrial design institutes in key industries and sectors.

After two years of careful consideration, the first group of five MIIT national industrial design institutes were announced at the opening ceremony. Senior officials from the Department of Industrial Policy and Regulations of the MIIT endorsed the five institutes, which represent industries from digital design, low- and medium-voltage electrical design, ceramics, intelligent manufacturing and eco design.

The Shandong Industrial Design Institute in Yantai becomes the only national industrial design institute in the intelligent manufacturing sector.

Announcement ceremony
Announcement ceremony

Announcement ceremony
Announcement ceremony

Shandong Industrial Design Institute
Shandong Industrial Design Institute

Shandong Industrial Design Institute
Shandong Industrial Design Institute

Source: The Organization Committee of the World Industrial Design Conference

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출처 : 아시아넷 보도자료
[2021-10-27일 16:00] 송고
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